Roblox: The Complete Guide for Parents
Roblox is one of the kids games of the moment, despite all the controversy around it. For this reason, we have brought here an article...

The Importance of the Father Figure to Child Development
The father figure is changing and it is no longer seen as the family provider. Domestic chores are increasingly being shared equally and...

What do I need to know about advertising that targets kids?
About 95% of apps for kids under the age 5 contain some kind of advertising. Among these apps, an “Educational” category was included. On...

My kids are addicted to cell phone. What now?
Cell phone and technology use in general by kids has been attacked by the media, schools, doctors and family. Technology can be an ally...

TikTok: what you need to know about this social network popular among kids and teens
Have you ever heard of TikTok? It is the fourth most-downloaded non-gaming app in the world, according to Sensor Tower. TikTok,...

Google’s Stance on Loot Boxes: How Does It Affect My Kids?
After the loot boxes controversy, when some countries banned this mechanic from being used in games, Google announced (on May, 30th 2019)...

How the cleaning and sanitizing of cell phones prevent the contamination of viruses and diseases
Did you know that a cell phone screen can contains 30 times as many microorganisms as a clean toilet? That is why it is important to...

How to Find the Best Kids Apps and Games for your Children
There’s a huge amount of applications available in app stores, especially kids apps. How can you decide which apps to download for your k...

Kids and exposure to screens: how far is it okay?
People who were born from 1985 onwards belong to the millennial generation*, considered “digital native”, in other words: children who...